
Jordan Lee Dooley


When you can own your mistakes and be real, you are not only going to earn the respect of those that you mentor, but you’re also going to create human connection.
With ownership comes stewardship, and with stewardship comes responsibility.

About Jordan

Jordan Lee Dooley is the author of the National Bestseller, Own Your Everyday, which has also been named a "Best Book to Read to be a Better Person in 2019" by Inc Magazine.

She hosts the Top Rated SHE Podcast, and her mission is to equip women with the tools they need to live purposefully and reach their greatest potential.

Jordan is often referred to as "J," made up her own job title by referring to herself as a "multi-passionate authorpreneur," is a 3 on the enneagram, and is happily married to her college sweetheart, Matt. The two are now business partners who work side by side from their farmhouse in the Indiana countryside — and raise chickens in their free time.